By coordinating with their cross-sector partners and stakeholders, San Benito County identified the needs and services of their community based on the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) framework. San Benito County was able to clearly identify their current conditions impacting families and children, such as an inadequate supply of affordable housing, difficulties with commuting long distances for work, and poor access to physical, mental, and dental health that impacts similar small counties. The county’s primary intervention includes community outreach events, increasing funding for family well-being resources, and expansion of its 2-1-1 program. As a secondary prevention service, San Benito County will invest in the development and implementation of the Promotores program, which will initially focus on providing family well-being and maltreatment prevention resources to at-risk families. San Benito County believes California can be successful when they focus on recruiting and training local community members, support the individuals in becoming a trusted source of resource and are skilled advocates for community transformation. Read the San Benito Comprehensive Prevention Plan.