Santa Barbara County’s CPP is also known as “Together for Children.” Their vision is that children, families, and communities in Santa Barbara County are safe and thriving and have equitable access to resources and opportunities. With phased-in implementation, Santa Barbara County intends to serve all eligible FFPSA candidacy groups, and children and families who do not meet candidacy requirements but may benefit from prevention services, including Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Healthy Families America, and Parents As Teachers. Initial efforts will focus on Latinx and Mixtec low-income families in North County as well as Native American children identified by a tribe. By co-creating the Community Pathway with contracted CBOs and parents from communities disproportionately represented in the child welfare system and by ensuring services and EBPs provided are culturally and linguistically relevant, Santa Barbara County aims to increase equity and reduce disproportionality and the number of system-involved families.” Read the Santa Barbara Comprehensive Prevention Plan.