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The Napa County Comprehensive Prevention Plan (CPP) affirms the county’s commitment to keeping children and families together and preventing the need for foster care whenever possible and pursuing opportunities to leverage federal Title IV-E and state Family First Prevention Services Block Grant funding, along with other resources, to expand the availability of prevention services within the County. The Napa County CPP focuses on all 12 candidacy populations and identifies three pillars of need driving child welfare system involvement in Napa County: 1. Substance use disorders (SUDs) coupled with a lack of available resources, 2. Limited availability of, and access to, mental health services, and 3. Increases in the rates of domestic violence with limited service provider capacity to meet demand. The CPP outlines Napa County’s plan to address these three pillars. Napa County will implement the following EBPs as part of their CPP: Functional Family Therapy, Motivational Interviewing – Substance Abuse/Cross-Cutting, and Parents as Teachers. Napa County’s CPP mentions interest in implementing a community pathway pending further guidance from the State. Read the Napa Comprehensive Prevention Plan and Addendum.