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Addressing Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PSBs) in Children & Adolescents

Abordar los comportamientos sexuales
problemáticos en niños y adolescentes



This training was presented on
July 23, 2024








Note: Training certificates are only available following live trainings or completion of self-paced courses. A certificate will not be provided for review of these materials.



When a child or adolescent sexually acts out, it can be a scary experience for not just a parent but also for the provider working with the family. This talk will first correct common myths and misconceptions about children who sexually act out; for example, the supermajority of these children are highly responsive to treatment and are NOT pedophiles. The second aspect of this talk will walk through the evidence for how to treat these children and the likelihood of success. With appropriate, evidence-based practices, children 3 to 18 who engage in these behaviors are up to 95% successful in treatment and do not sexually reoffend. Evidence for effective approaches and concrete examples and tips for working with these children and their families will be the main focus of this talk.  

Cuando un niño o un adolescente tiene comportamientos sexuales inapropiados, puede ser una experiencia aterradora para los padres y para el profesional que trabaja con la familia. Esta charla corregirá en primer lugar los mitos y conceptos erróneos más comunes sobre los niños que tienen conductas sexuales inapropiadas; por ejemplo, la gran mayoría de estos niños responden bien al tratamiento y NO son pedófilos. El segundo aspecto de esta charla será un recorrido por la evidencia de cómo tratar a estos niños y la probabilidad de éxito. Con prácticas apropiadas y basadas en la evidencia, los niños de 3 a 18 años que presentan estos comportamientos tienen hasta un 95% de éxito en el tratamiento y no reinciden sexualmente. La evidencia de enfoques eficaces y ejemplos concretos y consejos para trabajar con estos niños y sus familias serán el foco principal de esta charla. 


Participants will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between evidence-based interventions for problematic sexual behaviors (PSBs) and ineffective interventions.
  • Identify at least three concrete skills they can implement to work effectively with this population.
  • Distinguish between myths and facts regarding youth with PSBs.


Los participantes serán capaces de:

  • Explicar la diferencia entre las intervenciones basadas en la evidencia para las conductas sexuales problemáticas (CSP) y las intervenciones ineficaces.
  • Identificar al menos tres habilidades concretas que puedan poner en práctica para trabajar eficazmente con esta población.
  • Distinguir entre mitos y hechos en relación con los jóvenes con CSP.


Who should attend: All staff of family resource center (FRCs), child abuse prevention councils (CAPCs), and other child- and family-serving organizations.



  • This is a webinar-style training. This means that you will not be on camera and will not be able to see other learners. This training will not include breakout rooms. Opportunities to interact with the presenter(s) and other participants will be included.
  • This training will be recorded. The recording will be available to registered learners within 2 days of the training.
  • By registering for a CalTrin training, you consent to be added to the CalTrin mailing list. 



Dr. Michael Gomez is Clinical Instructor at Bradley Hospital, Lifespan Institute, a teaching hospital for the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University. He was previously director of the Adversity and Resilience Community Center (ARCC), a child trauma behavioral health clinic in Texas where he was also Adjunct Professor at Texas Tech University Psychological Sciences; the Texas Tech University College of Education; and the TTUHSC School of Nursing. He was previously faculty at the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect/Child Study Center Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the Oklahoma University Health and Sciences Center.

Dr. Gomez specializes in Trauma-Focused CBT, treatment of adolescents with problematic sexual behaviors (PSB), PCIT, TARGET, and assessment of autism spectrum disorders. He is a Nationally Certified TF-CBT Trainers and a Nationally Certified CE-CERT Trainer, a model for addressing burnout and vicarious trauma in providers. He is a co-chair for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s (NCTSN) Trauma and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Workgroup.



Psychologist, TF-CBT National Trainer, CE-CERT National Trainer, NCTSN Affiliate Member